Krishna Paupamah
Founder / Group CEO – OperationsI began my career in London, in the 80s – a journey that has traversed between manufacturing and consulting.
My exposure to the world of consulting opened my eyes to the opportunity to transform the traditional consulting industry – one that was only focused on how much it gets from the client – into one that focuses on how much it gives back; putting client satisfaction above all else.
Enter Renoir
Through our approach, the consultancy delivers real outcomes – both top- and bottom-line business improvements, in a sustainable way. Going beyond just strategies, reports and recommendations, we link strategy to execution, working hand-in-hand with clients, in guiding them through the change.
The rapid pace of change happening today, fuelled by digitalisation, and our established presence globally, bear testament to the increasingly crucial need for excellent change management – and that’s where Renoir stands out.
"Sustainable transformation comes from the hearts and minds; the systems, processes, and structures are only a means to get one there."